10th April – Wednesday.
8:30-9.00: Reception of attendees.
9:00 – 11.30: Mental Health in Spain: A Role for interRAI?
9:00 – 9:15: Opening, welcome and introduction to the Hospital and mental health Network in the Hospital.
- Jose M. Garcia-Vela. Hospital General Manager of University Rio Hortega Hospital
9:15-10:00: Challenges in the community care in Spain and Castilla and Leon
- Siro García-Lleras. Mental Health Regional Manager in Castilla and Leon
- Fernando Uribe. Head of Psychiatric Department of Clinic Hospital in Valladolid
10:00-10:45: Reticular Model of care in mental health in Zamora and West Valladolid: introduction and outcomes
- Manuel Franco. Head of Department of University Rio Hortega Hospital – Valladolid. Spain
10:45-11:15: InterRAI’s Integrated Mental Health Assessment Systems: clinical and management applications
- John Hirdes. Chair of the InterRAI Mental Health Network; Professor, School of Public Health and Health Systems, University of Waterloo, CANADA
11:15-11:30: Coffee
11:30-13:30: Management of Care in Mental Health.
Integration of care between specialized and non-specialized mental health and social services in Finland
- Jyrki Heikkilä. Medical director at Turku Psychiatry., FINLAND
Combining cost and outcomes in an efficient manner. Decision making in mental health.
- Miguel Ángel Casado. Director General y fundador de PORIB (Pharmacoeconomics & Outcomes Research Iberia). Spain
Case-mix systems for in-patient psychiatry and community mental health.
- Brant Fries. Professor Emeritus, School of Public Health and Institute of Gerontology, University of Michigan, UNITED STATES
Assessment of patient safety with interRAI systems: Risk management related to harm to self, harm to others, and self-care
- John Hirdes. Chair of the interRAI Mental Health Network; Professor, School of Public Health and Health Systems, University of Waterloo, CANADA
Data Mining Algorithms and Techniques in Mental Health
- Isabel De la Torre-Diez. Professor. Department of Signal Theory and Communications, and Telematics Engineering, University of Valladolid
13:30 – 14:30: Lunch
14:30- 17:30: Quality of care in mental health.
Police interactions with persons with mental illness: Building partnerships with mental health services
- Ron Hoffman. Assistant Professor, Nipissing University, CANADA
Use of interRAI Quality of Life Assessments to Support Recovery in Mental Health and Addictions.
- Alice Hirdes. Adjunct professor at the Universidade Luterana do Brasil (ULBRA), BRAZIL
Open Dialogue in Finland. View from Finland: Pros and Difficulties
- Jyrki Heikkilä. Medical director at Turku Psychiatry. FINLAND
Mental Health Quality Indicators (MHQIs): Inpatient and community mental health
- Chris Perlman. Assistant Professor, School of Public Health and Health Systems, University of Waterloo, CANADA
Composite measure of mental health outcomes
- Howard Barbaree. Forensic Psychologist and Professor, Law and Mental Health Program, Department of Psychiatry, University of Toronto, CANADA
Psychiatric medication reduction in the Toro Catchment area. Less is more?
- Francisco Sans. Psychiatrist. Coordinator of mental health in Toro primary care center. Department of Psychiatry and Mental Health. Zamora Hospital
Mental health in acute hospital settings.
- Jason Ferris. Associate Professor, Centre for Health Services Research, Faculty of Medicine, University of Queensland, AUSTRALIA
11th April – Thursday.
Parallel Sessions
10:00-11:30: Child and Youth Mental Health
Improving the Quality of Child and Youth Mental Health Services
- Shannon Stewart.Associate Professor and Director of Clinical Training, Applied Psychology, Western University. CANADA
Growth, development and mental health: The interRAI 0-3 and Child/Youth Mental Health systems.
- Shannon Stewart. Associate Professor and Director of Clinical Training, Applied Psychology, Western University. CANADA
10:00-11:30: Geriatric Psychiatry
Frailty, Mental Health and Intellectual Disabilities
- Lynn Martin. Professor, Public Health, Lakehead University, CANADA
Mental health in clinically complex older populations
- Margaret Saari. Post-doctoral Fellow, St. Elizabeth’s Research Centre, CANADA
Antipsychotic Drug Interactions and Mortality among Nursing Home Residents with Cognitive Impairment
- H. Van der Roest. PhD. Social Psychologist. Researcher Salamanca University